Got a BrewBuilt 31 gallon stainless steel kettle for use as my MashTun. With the upgrade to the 1 BBL BK, I wasn't going to be able to mash enough grains to fill it and MoreBeer had a sale of 10% off earlier this month, so I jumped in and got the 1 BBL kettle with TC and false bottom. It is almost identical to the SS Brewtech I got, except it is a LOT shinier and has much better/larger volume etchings (and no valves or whirlpool fittings). This came with two TC fittings (similar to SS) and was identical in dimensions.
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Keg Washer and CIP stand

Working on building a cheap self contained CIP pump / heater / storage cart (as well as functioning keg washer). It should be under $350 all total, as opposed to $6,000 like the one at the left, since it it mostly made out of PVC and plastic buckets. The most expensive part on here is the 1.6 hp lawn pump and the 240v RIMs heater and SS triclamp parts. Much thanks to the posts and DIY projects at HomebrewTalk Forums.
Sunday, December 13, 2020
New 1 BBL Unitank
Finally got the Black Friday 1 BBL unitank on 15% off I got from SS Brewtech after they shipped it from my local city (it was "on a truck out for delivery") to Rhode Island (and then back). This thing is so damn pretty. Shiny curved surfaces and with 6" heavy duty casters, it rolls around pretty well for a top heavy fermenter. I was prepared for it to be big, so it is not too surprising there (I think I was prepped for it to be even bigger.
Saturday, December 5, 2020
New 1 BBL Boil Kettle

Got the new SS Brewtech 31 gallon brew kettle in and started working on adding the new triclamp fittings I wanted. I didn't get the 20 gallon eBrew, because, well, it cost more, didn't really need the heating element (it probably would work with my system) and was ONLY 20 gallons (they don't offer a 30 gallon one). But I needed to add some TC's for thermometers and the 5500W heating element. I had already done this on my converted kegs a couple months ago, so, shouldn't be too bad...
Friday, December 4, 2020
Domain name secured...

I just locked in on the domain name for for 3 years (currently just forwarding here). I settled on the logo left and at least have some "simple" SVG images for the brewery. I like this logo because it is simple and can be mono-color for prints like on my kettle jackets and glassware and it has some "tree" context like the Mossy Cup Oak. Next is to get the LLC and the Federal TTB filings going. *deep breath*...
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Building a Brew Valve Tree

This thread on about valve tree setups and automation is amazing! In all my years brewing on my frame, as complex and automated as I've gotten it, I've always thought making a hard plumbed setup like the pro brew systems would be cool. Well, some of the hardware is getting cheap enough these days and I thought I would have a go at how I would layout my setup with 3-way valves in T port form...
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
To go big...or not...

Working through trying to decide if all the paper work, fees, licenses and head ache are worth getting wholesaler license to make/sell beer. I was working on some logos for the L.L.C. if I was going to do this. I also started talking and reading all the filing/paperwork necessary. UGH!! is a LOT!
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Glycol Chiller (and heater!)

Got my Brew Built IceMaster Max 2 dual vessel glycol chiller (with built-in temp controllers and pumps) in from today. First thing I did (after checking that pumps all worked and the chiller worked and no leaks) was to begin diving into tearing it apart. The plan was to wire in switched outlets for 120v heater pads when the controller needed heating. I didn't want to permanently modify heaters and peripherals, so just went with switched 120v outlets mounted in the back top.
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