Took advantage of the Black Friday specials and got a Brewbuilt Icemaster Max 2 glycol chiller for fermentation for $100 off. Upped the game on my boil to be able to do 1 BBL batches with a 30 gallon Brew kettle from SS Brewtech at 15% off. And, got a 1 BBL unitank fermenter on 15% off too! Well, guess it just got serious. I convinced myself to save the $1000 on the jacketed unitank and spend it on those other items, but it was hard passing up the jacketed version.
I have some work to do on the glycol chiller. Like put on 2" casters and wire in 120v heater plugs from the internal relays on these.
First thing I need to do on the Boil Kettles is put in some more 1.5" triclamp ferrules. One for the 5500W heating element and two for analog temp and PT100 thermal well. I've got more neoprene coming to outfit the 19.7" diameter x 23.7" tall kettle. I'm also going to have to adjust to using a whirlpool settle with the trub blade pickup in this BK. Hopefully I don't hate it. The 30 gallon capacity is going to be awesome.
I have some 6" industrial casters to put this on. Even though mfg recommends against it due to liability issues, I have to be able to wheel it around a bit. I also plan to put on an adjustable spunding valve with a 1" TC cross (pressure gauge at top, spunding valve on left and CO2 gas line on right. Probably need to plumb in a 1/4" ball valve.
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